
Aker Talent 2022

Editor GoGo
2022-06-03 16:30

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Do you want to solve global energy challenges for future generations?


For the fifth time, the Aker companies will gather 40 students for the Aker Talent Student Challenge in Fornebu, Norway. We would like to invite talented students to a 30-hour workshop where you will get to work on real issues taken from various Aker companies – Aker ASA, Aker Horizons, Aker Offshore Wind, Mainstream Renewable Power, Aker Clean Hydrogen, Aker Carbon Capture, Aker BP, Aker Solutions, Cognite, Aize, Akastor, and Aker BioMarine.

Read more about the event and the companies here

We believe the Aker companies play an important role in standing up to face global environmental challenges. So, if you want to power the energy transition, please apply today! 

The event:

Date: 27 – 28 September, 2022

Location: Engineerium, Snarøyveien 20, Fornebu

Number of Invitees: 40

Cost: Paid accommodation and travel

Application deadline: 1. September 

What will you be doing?

To work in teams with other students to solve an exciting case related to actual energy challenges

Coaching from employees in the Aker companies

To present your case solutions to a jury

An exclusive opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Aker companies

Opportunities for summer jobs or permanent positions in 2023 across various Aker companies and locations

An Invitation to an afterparty, after the gathering, sponsored by Aker Young, our network for young employees

We think you should have:

Students on their third to fifth year of study within the subjects engineering, physics, computer science, renewables, finance or similar

You are interested in relevant topics and current events related to energy, digitalization, industry, renewables and business development

You are curious about Aker and the career opportunities that exist

You are a problem solver who is curious by nature and wants to contribute

You are a team player with great communication skills

More reasons to work with us:

If you are passionate about future energy challenges, join Aker Talent! 

Please attach your CV, grade transcripts/diplomas and other relevant papers and apply online. 

Please note: When you apply, you automatically agree on sharing your application and attachments with all Aker companies.  

Interested? Contact us.

For more information about the event, please contact:

Renate Haver Søreide, Project Manager Aker Talent, e-mail: Renate.Haver@akerbp.com

Maja Haug, Recruiter at NES Advantage Solutions, e-mail: Maja.Haug@nesfircroft.com

All applicants will be processed within the Aker Solution's recruitment system on behalf of all Aker ASA companies.

NES Advantage Solutions AS is Aker Solutions’ global recruitment services provider responsible for permanent and temporary staffing service.

Diversity and Inclusion

Aker Solutions is empowered by its diverse workforce. We ensure a good working environment where equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion are considered vital to our success. We believe diversity creates value, attracts talent, and makes life more interesting. We therefore encourage and welcome applications from diverse backgrounds related to race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, disability, age, and more.

This is Aker Solutions

Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry. We enable low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to meet future energy needs. By combining innovative digital solutions and predictable project execution we accelerate the transition to sustainable energy production. Aker Solutions employs approximately 15,000 people in more than 20 countries.

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