
NEXAN 졸업생 공채 공고

Editor GoGo
2021-05-01 00:31

Nexans’ submarine power cables are key in the transition to more renewable energy whether connecting islands to the mainland or bringing green energy from the offshore wind farm to the grid.  In cooperation with our worldwide customers, we push technological boundaries to go deeper, longer, at higher voltages from fabrication to turn-key solutions for installation and preservation to meet any future needs.

Subsea & Land Systems (SLS) is a global player in engineering, manufacturing, and installing key submarine cable solutions to customers all over the world. The Business Group has manufacturing plants in Halden, USA, Japan, France, and Belgium


Graduating during 2021? This is your opportunity to electrify your future!



Our SLS Business Group in Norway is recruiting for Graduate Engineers to join our Oslo/Halden team from August 2021.


Our heritage in Norway is in the electrification engineering disciplines where we are applying our multi-disciplinary skillset towards electrifying the future. As such, we are seeking talented students with a desire to support the fast-moving development of projects in the renewable industries. We are technology driven and need the next generation of engineers with both an innovation attitude and imagination to realise our ambitious goals.


Our graduate engineers will embark on a 36-month training program where they will grow under the close guidance of the senior engineers and managers. This program will take you from R & D, Fabrication, Project Management & Offshore Installation. The program will include classroom, digital and practical learning in developing, engineering, designing, constructing, and installing our world leading products. The Nexans training program, practical experience and close mentoring shall support and enable the technical and personal development of the Graduate Engineer and allow them to apply advanced electrical engineering and management techniques in a wide range of challenges.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Get taught how to perform research, design, analysis.
  • Participate in further enhancement of in-house products, tools, and programs.
  • Join the team in project planning and execution of worldwide projects.

Key interfaces:

  • Gain access to Nexans large network of personal and technical developmental resources, programs and oppourtunities.
  • Showcase your ability to learn quickly and correctly, being flexible and adaptable in acquiring the Nexans specialist skillset.
  • Get onboarded with the department team and project team, before gaining exposure to our suppliers, and eventually our clients.

Expected results:

  • Learn and contribute to Nexans engineering methodology and high technical standards.
  • Enthusiastically participate in workshops and training lectures.
  • Build a strong understanding of Nexans business model, products, and services.

Position sizing:

  • The Graduate Engineers will rotate within 4 departments in Nexans consisting of approximately 500 world class engineers.

Requested Competencies and Qualifications:

  • Master’s in electrical engineering, energy, mechanical, marine or physics and mathematics.
  • Some experience from working in technical environments is beneficial.
  • Have ability to communicate technical matters in different environments.
  • Fluency in Norwegian (preferred) and in English, written and oral.

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